Greetings 🎖️ Commander 🎖️! Gather your armies 🎲🎲🎲
and prepare for battle in this semi-abstract
tactical wargame for 2 to 4 players! Fund your war
engine and research powerful upgrades to ultimately
deploy your army of dice to the Battlefield and
defeat your enemies!
Dice Command has
three ways to play with One Versus One, Three to
Four Player Free For All, and Two Versus Two
Alliance variants! It plays lightning fast at
approximately 15 minutes per player.

Check out these Previews from Hungry Gamer, Board Game Perspective and Circle of Nerds!
Click here for the current RULE BOOK!
Prefer videos? Check out these How to Play videos from Hungry Gamer and Learn to Play!

Dice Command is free to play digitally on
Create a room and play now!
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